Spännande. Detta är ett citat från Interperative Guidelines angående när dåligt väder skall tolkas som extraordinärt:Fick svar från SAS: "I have now done a second review of your case and I am sorry to say that I cannot come to another conclusion."
Så de hävdar fortfarande att DE-icing är extraordinary.
Anmälde SAS till ARN, skickade med reseplan och ombokning samt vädret på Arlanda dagarna före och efter så dom ser att det var minusgrader både före och efter.
Skrev även tillbaka till SAS:
"I have now filed a petition to my local Consumer Complaints Board.
I think this is a very important subject to get a decision on. It is wrong to use extraordinary circumstances for something that is not extraordinary.
How often do the planes need de-icing?
Fortsättning följer.....
5.4. Airport congestion due to bad weather conditions In accordance with recital 14 of the Regulation, the case of an operating air carrier being obliged to delay or cancel a flight at a congested airport, due to bad weather conditions, including if these conditions result in capacity shortages, would stem from extraordinary circumstances.
Man kan också dra paralleller till 5.3 där fastslås:
5.3. Collision of mobile boarding stairs with an aircraft The Court ( 51) has clarified that the collision of mobile boarding stairs with an aircraft cannot be considered as ‘extraordinary circumstances’ exempting the air carrier from payment of compensation under Article 5(3) of the Regulation. Mobile stairs or gangways can be regarded as indispensable to air passenger transport, and therefore air carriers are regularly faced with situations arising from the use of such equipment. A collision between an aircraft and a set of mobile boarding stairs is, hence, an event inherent in the normal exercise of the activity of the air carrier. Extraordinary circumstances would apply, for example, when damage to the aircraft is due to an act external to the airport's normal services, such as an act of terrorism or sabotage.
Det fetstilade stycker är intressant och min amatörtolkning är att detta skulle kunna användas i ett de-icing scenario också. Byt ut Mobile Stairs mot De-icing eqipment och du får:
Equipment for de-icing of an aero plane can be regarded as indispensable to air passenger transport at an airport where temperatures drop below 0 degrees Celsius on a regular basis during the winter season, and therefore air carriers are regularly faced with situations arising from the use of such equipment.
Inte ett orimligt resonemang eller hur? Då de-icing genomförs regelbudet och är en del av den dagliga driften så är det alltså flygbolagens uppgift att ta höjd för situationer som kan uppstå vid regelbundet användande.