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Malaysia Airlines MH17 uppges nyss ha kraschat i östra Ukraina - nedskjutet?


Jag ogillar Aftonbladet så mycket som alla andra vettiga människor, men i just det här fallet har de det här precis under hero-bilden:



Senaste mediabriefen från Malaysia Airlines. Inte så mycket att säga om det, i min mening i alla fall.

Friday, July 18, 04:15 AM SGT +0800 Statement by Prime Minister Najib Razak: Malaysian Airlines flight 17

Yesterday evening, I was informed of the terrible and deeply shocking news that a Malaysia Airlines jet went down in eastern Ukraine.

Malaysia Airlines has confirmed that the jet was Malaysia Airlines flight 17, which was on a scheduled flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.

The flight departed Amsterdam at 12.15pm, local time. It was scheduled to arrive in Kuala Lumpur at 6.10 am, local, Malaysian time.

The aircraft was a Boeing 777-200.

The aircraft’s flight route was declared safe by the International Civil Aviation Organisation.

And International Air Transportation Association has stated that the airspace the aircraft was traversing was not subject to restrictions.

Malaysia Airlines has confirmed that the aircraft did not make a distress call.

The flight was carrying a total number of 295 people – comprising 280 passengers and 15 crew members.

Malaysia Airlines is in the process of notifying the next-of-kin of the passengers and crew. All possible care will be provided to the next-of-kin.

The Government of Malaysia is dispatching a special flight to Kiev, carrying a Special Malaysia Disaster Assistance and Rescue Team, as well as a medical team.

According to information provided by Kiev Air Traffic Control, the location of the plane’s emergency locator beacon is 48 degrees 7 minutes and 23 seconds North; and 38 degrees 31 minutes and 33 seconds East.

The Ukrainian authorities believe that the plane was shot down.

At this early stage, however, Malaysia is unable to verify the cause of this tragedy.

But we must – and we will – find out precisely what happened to this flight.

No stone can be left unturned.

If it transpires that the plane was indeed shot down, we insist that the perpetrators must swiftly be brought to justice.

Emergency operations centres have been established. In the last few hours, Malaysian officials have been in constant contact with their counterparts in Ukraine and elsewhere.

And I will be speaking to a number of world leaders over the coming hours.

I have had several conversations with the Prime Minister of the Netherlands.

I have also spoken to the President of Ukraine. He has pledged that there will be a full, thorough and independent investigation, and Malaysian officials will be invited to take part.

The Ukrainian president also confirmed that his government will negotiate with rebels in the east of the country, in order to establish a humanitarian corridor to the crash site.

Just now, I received a call from President Obama.

He and I both agreed that the investigation must not be hindered in anyway.

An international team must have full access to the crash site.

And no one should interfere with the area, or move any debris, including the black box.

This is a tragic day, in what has already been a tragic year, for Malaysia.

As we work to understand what happened, our thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of those onboard the flight.

I cannot imagine what they must be going through at this painful time.

The flight’s passengers and crew came from many different countries.

But today, regardless of nationality, we are all united in grief.


Synnerligen tragisk. Skakad, satt och tittade ut på den Ukrainska kornboden ombord MH05 för 2 veckor sedan, FRA-KUL. Det verkar som det funnits redan i april en rekommendation att inte flyga över Ukrainsk luftrum, som flera flygbolag ignorerat av kostnadsskäl.


Det som kan bli tungt för Malaysia Airlines är, skadeståndskostnader till anhöriga.
Vanliga försäkringar (inkl. flygbranschens försäkring) täcker inte för händelse som likställs som krigshandlingar, om de inte har tecknat speciell tilläggsförsäkring.

Även om detta händelse inte är direkt Malaysia Airlines fel, kan detta slå dem hårt ekonomiskt.

Jag tror ingen skulle våga opponera sig mot att Malaysiska staten går in med pengar för att täcka just de här kostnaderna. Frågan är om de vill.


Att skjuta ner ett fpl på ca 34000 fot kräver både duglig utrustning samt kunskap/träning. Var den kunskapen finns är ju ganska klart enl mig. Lämpligheten att anv korridoren kan man ju diskutera men den hade ju inte klassats som osäker enl MH. Ska vi gå in på den typen av diskussioner kan man ju ifrågasätta om det är lämpligt att flyga på TLV just nu med tanke på läget imområdet. Men, detta är en stor tragedi och risken är ju att detta blir den verkliga skiten som träffar fläkten.


Jag tror att direkt tillgång till databasen från flightradar24 skulle behövas för att kunna göra effektiv analys...


Vad hemskt! Mina tankar går till alla drabbade och anhöriga just nu.

Jag trodde faktiskt man var rätt säker från markangrepp på 10km höjd men det verkar ju onekligen som om motsatsen har bevisats.