Om man får ersättning även för problem som upptäcks efter start och där man tvingas vända tillbaka så blir EU261/2004 direkt livsfarlig då den ger flygbolag incitament att INTE vända och hantera potentiellt farliga problem direkt.
Fast detta betyder att piloterna tänker i denna situation att "Shit, EU 261/2004 kommer bli dyrt, vi skiter i att återvända trots tekniska problem". En aning magstarkt att anta kan jag spekulera i om det gäller seriösa piloter.
Fall där det fastslås att flygbolag inte kommer undan tekniska problem.
CURIA - Documents
Enligt detta fall så är de enda fallen då tekniska problem är en giltig bortförklaring är när det finns dolda fel i konstruktionen, terrorism eller sabotage. Dåligt underhåll är alltså inte en giltig bortförklaring och då det kan bli svettigt för flygbolaget att bevisa att det var en dold defekt i konstruktionen från ATR.
Definition av "hidden manufacturing defect"
Can I Claim Flight Compensation For A Technical Defects | Bott and Co
Bifogat ett PDF-dokument med ett rättsfall angående tekniska problem. (EU 261_2004_Huzar vs JET2.pdf)
Citerar stycke 5b från nästa bifogade dokument som har den långa titeln:
"Interpretative Guidelines on Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights and on Council Regulation (EC) No 2027/97 on air carrier liability in the event of accidents as amended by Regulation (EC) No 889/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council"
"b. Technical defects The Court has clarified further that a technical problem which comes to light during aircraft maintenance or is caused by failure to maintain an aircraft cannot be regarded as ‘extraordinary circumstances’. The Court takes the view that even where a technical problem which has occurred unexpectedly is not attributable to poor maintenance and is not detected during routine maintenance checks, such technical problem does not fall within the definition of ‘extraordinary circumstances’ when it is inherent in the normal exercise of the activity of the air carrier. For instance, a breakdown, such as that at issue which was caused by the premature malfunction of certain components of an aircraft may constitute an unexpected event. Nevertheless, such a breakdown remains intrinsically linked to the very complex operating system of the aircraft, which is operated by the air carrier in conditions, particularly meteorological conditions, which are often difficult or even extreme, it being understood moreover that no component of an aircraft lasts forever. Therefore, it must be held that unexpected event is inherent in the normal exercise of the air carrier’s activity. However, a hidden manufacturing defect revealed by the manufacturer of the aircraft or by a competent authority, or damage to the aircraft caused by acts of sabotage or terrorism would qualify as extraordinary circumstances."