Turkiet stänger gränsen mot Iran. Irak verkar ha gjort detsamma. Kuwait har förbjudit fartyg från Iran att anlända till deras hamnar.
Coronavirus outbreak: Turkey closes border with Iran to stop infection spreading – live news | World news | The Guardian
Antalet smittade verkar dra iväg i Italien, från 3 st (fredag 21/2) till runt 130 st (söndag 23/2).
Italy's coronavirus outbreak is the biggest outside of Asia
Coronavirus outbreak: Turkey closes border with Iran to stop infection spreading – live news | World news | The Guardian
Turkey closes its border with Iran to stop infection spreading
Turkey will close its border with Iran as a precautionary measure to halt the possible spread of coronavirus.
It comes after reports emerged of 43 cases of the disease in Iran, with eight deaths – the highest death toll outside of China.
The Turkish health minister Fahrettin Koca said on Sunday that all highways and railways will be closed as of 5 p.m (14:00 GMT). Flights from Iran suspended, he told reporters.
Updated at 1.43pm GMT
Antalet smittade verkar dra iväg i Italien, från 3 st (fredag 21/2) till runt 130 st (söndag 23/2).
Italy's coronavirus outbreak is the biggest outside of Asia
Italy's coronavirus outbreak is the biggest outside of Asia
There are now 78,854 confirmed cases of novel coronavirus and 2,465 deaths worldwide, according to the latest figures.
The majority of the cases and deaths are in mainland China, followed by Japan and South Korea.
Over the weekend Italy's confirmed cases surged from three on Friday morning to more than 130 by Sunday, marking Europe's biggest outbreak.
Here are the top five countries to have experienced outbreaks beyond China:
- Japan: 738 cases, 3 deaths. (639 cases on Diamond Princess cruise ship and 99 on land.)
- South Korea: 602 cases, 5 deaths
- Italy: 132 cases, 2 deaths
- Singapore: 89 cases
- Hong Kong: 74 cases, 2 deaths