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Någon som testat MPC appen för inresa till USA ?



The website’s video and text is outdated in at least one way. That video still mentions QR codes, but we have phased out the QR code process on receipts and no informed CBP agent or airport contractor employee should be using or expecting QR codes for MPC use.

The video in the link above mentions “returning” VWP users. The video doesn’t indicate that first time VWP/ESTA users are eligible to use MPC. But this wouldn’t be the first time where a US airport of entry and/or the MPC app were more up-to-date and informative than website material.

A hint about MPC use: I wouldn’t count on airport wifi networks or even roaming mobile phone data to work inside a very crowded US airport of entry while seeking to be cleared into the US. So you may be better off filing the MPC declaration immediately on landing while still taxiing to the gate. ORD, for example, has had such internet connection problems this month for potential MPC users coming off the CPH-ORD flights.
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Weekendtur til Washington DC med familien - da vi ankom i dag var der de her skilte i people moverne på Dulles Airport. Ingen tvivl om at det også gælder for rejsende med ESTA. Tydeligt skiltet i emigration hvor man skulle gå. Jeg har ikke helt overblikket over køen til non-MPC men der stod rigtig mange mennesker. Med MPC tog det os cirka 20 minutter.



Jag provade denna på IAD igår, MPC tydligt skyltat och ingen kö öht, konstapeln bad om mitt pass, bad mig titta in i kameran, frågade om det var affärs eller nöjesresa och innan jag han svara vinkade han förbi mig.
Vilken terminal valde du i appen? Det går att välja mellan ”Midfield” och Main”.