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SAS Messed up. What to do? Sue them?

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Forget about suing them. Company employees and companies are protected when their employees make mistakes.

Also, Sweden isn’t litigious as American culture is and you’d only be able to sue them for actual damages anyway.

You’ll have to try and use your points to book a new trip, and then submit claims to customer service for any additional costs beyond what you would have paid otherwise within reasonable limits. When they refuse to reimburse you, you can submit a case to ARN.

I’d suggest you just book the SAS ARN flight that you got an award seat on unless your return trip is still valid.

Also, it’s very clearly stated in the booking rules that you can’t change a reservation once you have used the outbound trip. From SAS perspective you’re trying to pull a fast one and they caught you.

I refuse to accept it's my fault. How can it be me pulling a fast one when I call customer service and their trained employees tell me "this seems a better option, can I change the booking to this flight?".


I refuse to accept it's my fault. How can it be me pulling a fast one when I call customer service and their trained employees tell me "this seems a better option, can I change the booking to this flight?".

You can refuse to accept any responsibility for it but that won’t change anything.

You’ve been given great advice in the thread on how to proceed. SAS agent fucked up but they have a department double checking what they do and they caught it. You didn’t read the rebooking conditions and that’s your fuck up and responsibility. So here we are in this very frustrating situation which I very much sympathize with.

Like I said, try to get your award seats back you originally had.

If that doesn’t work, you revenue tickets in the same class you had on the SAS flights you thought you were rebooked on.

When you get home you file for reimbursement and if that doesn’t work you send a claim to ARN and check your travel insurance.

In the meantime read this thread where someone in the first post had the exact same experience you did.

The rules are really clear SAS have the right to cancel the ticket.




Apparently not that clear if their own employees offer things to customers that are not allowed according to this rule.
Kundtjänst är tyvärr inget att lita på. Svårt att se hur du ska kunna stämma sas utifrån vad någon på kundtjänst sa.

Fokusera påbörja att få tillbaka originally biljetter istället.


Kundtjänst är tyvärr inget att lita på. Svårt att se hur du ska kunna stämma sas utifrån vad någon på kundtjänst sa.

Fokusera påbörja att få tillbaka originally biljetter istället.
Yeah I am used to companies having accountability for what they promise. Employees are part of the company and if the people working with customer service promise you something, it's expected that the company will fulfill. I guess it's different in Sweden, where people can say whatever without any consequences and you get nothing as a customer. Maybe that's why customer service is so bad everywhere in the country. Weird culture IMO. I heard even about people dying from heart attack because 1177 told them to just rest after they called asking for help regarding chest pain. With no consequences to those giving misinformation. Sorry for going off topic, just generally very upset with the quality of customer support found throughout the country.


Yeah I am used to companies having accountability for what they promise. Employees are part of the company and if the people working with customer service promise you something, it's expected that the company will fulfill. I guess it's different in Sweden, where people can say whatever without any consequences and you get nothing as a customer. Maybe that's why customer service is so bad everywhere in the country. Weird culture IMO. I heard even about people dying from heart attack because 1177 told them to just rest after they called asking for help regarding chest pain. With no consequences to those giving misinformation. Sorry for going off topic, just generally very upset with the quality of customer support found throughout the country.
Du är onekligen inte från Sverige och verkar jämföra allt med USA där man kan stämma folk om man bränner sig på varmt kaffe.

Alla håller nog med om att du hamnat i sen jäkligt dålig sits. Men att börja skrika om att man ska stämma folk går sällan väl hem i de nordiska länderna.

SAS har ändå sina regler, som du försökte bryta mot (även om det var utom din vetskap). Tror inte du kommer direkt långt där. Fokusera på att försöka lösa situationen istället för att försöka stämma ett flygbolag. Dina ordinarie flighter borde finnas kvar, eller att SAS kan göra något där.


Yeah I am used to companies having accountability for what they promise. Employees are part of the company and if the people working with customer service promise you something, it's expected that the company will fulfill. I guess it's different in Sweden, where people can say whatever without any consequences and you get nothing as a customer. Maybe that's why customer service is so bad everywhere in the country. Weird culture IMO. I heard even about people dying from heart attack because 1177 told them to just rest after they called asking for help regarding chest pain. With no consequences to those giving misinformation. Sorry for going off topic, just generally very upset with the quality of customer support found throughout the country.

Go have a beer, enjoy the sun for a bit and then come back to this issue. It’s not the end of the world. Someone messed up, it happens. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Both you and the airline was at fault here. And if you read my previous posts here I’m not a fan of SAS in general.

Try to fix it, but threaten to sue is neither productive nor realistic. So you can use the competence of this forum where you get replies in the middle of the night, or continue ranting and be angry about it and still end up in the same situation.


Yeah I am used to companies having accountability for what they promise. Employees are part of the company and if the people working with customer service promise you something, it's expected that the company will fulfill. I guess it's different in Sweden, where people can say whatever without any consequences and you get nothing as a customer. Maybe that's why customer service is so bad everywhere in the country. Weird culture IMO. I heard even about people dying from heart attack because 1177 told them to just rest after they called asking for help regarding chest pain. With no consequences to those giving misinformation. Sorry for going off topic, just generally very upset with the quality of customer support found throughout the country.
Inte orimligt att du kan få ersättning för ökade hotellkostnader eller flygbiljetter, om du väljar att köpa dessa, om du kan visa att SAS medarbetare sagt vad du säger att de sagt. Ett bolag har ansvar för sina anställdas agerande inom ramen för deras arbetsutövning.
Stängd för vidare inlägg.