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SAS köps av KLM/Air France med avsikt att lämna Star Alliance för Skyteam


Hum...kan bytet av allians ske innan chapter 11-processen i domstolen i USA är klar och de nya ägarna är godkända?
Yes, exiting Chapter 11 and getting a new cap table in place is not a prerequisite to changing business relationships of relevance, including alliance memberships. But it really comes down to the comfort levels of the relevant business partners into papering agreements and making the change under such agreements prior to exiting Chapter 11 with a new ownership breakdown. But I wouldn’t want to hazard a guess on the speed of this happening, just that it is not definitively precluded by being in Chapter 11.


det Ben Smith sa var att de vill göra det efter processen är klar. Den är, förhoppningsvis, klar i mars.

I en annan tråd så nämndes datumet 19:e mars. Och utgår man från att folk inte suttit på händerna och inte gjort något utan faktiskt förberett övergången så känns det ju inte osannolikt.


If SAS wants to be generous, SAS could make a transitional period or other conditional arrangement to at least give status points to those members who will have already booked regular paid flights with Star Alliance carriers before the announcement of a firm transition date. But my expectations are low for even that happening.
I don't know how it normally works, but if I fly say Lufthansa, isn't it normally Lufthansa that purchases the points from SAS to give them to me? Once Lufthansa exists Star, would SAS even be told I was on the flight, since Lufthansa can't/won't even report the EB number anymore?


Är det för övrigt inte dessutom så att de även ska gå igenom en rekonstruktion i Sverige? Fast de kanske kan flippa allians mellan de två tillfällena?


I don't know how it normally works, but if I fly say Lufthansa, isn't it normally Lufthansa that purchases the points from SAS to give them to me? Once Lufthansa exists Star, would SAS even be told I was on the flight, since Lufthansa can't/won't even report the EB number anymore?

There are probably exit clauses that regulates this between the airlines. It would be weird otherwise.

Är det för övrigt inte dessutom så att de även ska gå igenom en rekonstruktion i Sverige? Fast de kanske kan flippa allians mellan de två tillfällena?

Vet ej, men det behöver ju inte betyda att det är samma regler som tillämpas.


I don't know how it normally works, but if I fly say Lufthansa, isn't it normally Lufthansa that purchases the points from SAS to give them to me? Once Lufthansa exists Star, would SAS even be told I was on the flight, since Lufthansa can't/won't even report the EB number anymore?

Yes, it’s normally how that works with redeemable points credited for partner flights flown. But if SAS wanted to be generous, SAS could accept Star Alliance carrier boarding passes with a copy of ticket and ticket issue dates from before some specific date and unilaterally manually credit just status points for such flights as a goodwill gesture without involving Star Allance carriers. If SAS wanted to even credit redeemable points, SAS could but then SAS would have to eat the cost of that liability and that would be a much more direct and material cost/liability to SAS than a generous-but-not-expensive goodwill gesture of crediting only status points.