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Hur påverkas resande av Rysslands invasion av Ukraina?


A "helicopter battle" between Russian and Ukrainian attack helicopters is said to be taking place over Hostomel airport.
According to unconfirmed reports, the world's only AN-225 stationed there was destroyed.

A fierce battle between Russian and Ukrainian helicopters is said to be taking place over the airport.
According to unconfirmed reports, the world's largest cargo plane, the AN-225, was destroyed when the hangar where the six-engine aircraft was parked caught fire. An independent confirmation is not possible, however, as there is currently no confirmation from the official side.

Russischer Überfall auf Ukraine: Antonov AN-225 angeblich zerstört - russischer Helikopterangriff auf Flughafen Hostomel | Austrian Wings


A "helicopter battle" between Russian and Ukrainian attack helicopters is said to be taking place over Hostomel airport.
According to unconfirmed reports, the world's only AN-225 stationed there was destroyed.

A fierce battle between Russian and Ukrainian helicopters is said to be taking place over the airport.
According to unconfirmed reports, the world's largest cargo plane, the AN-225, was destroyed when the hangar where the six-engine aircraft was parked caught fire. An independent confirmation is not possible, however, as there is currently no confirmation from the official side.

Russischer Überfall auf Ukraine: Antonov AN-225 angeblich zerstört - russischer Helikopterangriff auf Flughafen Hostomel | Austrian Wings
Tråkigt om detta är sant, men man vågar ju inte lita på några medier nu vad det gäller vad som faktiskt händer, väldigt mycket desinfomration.


UK bans Russian aircraft from its airspace

The United Kingdom is banning civilian Russian aircraft from its airspace.

“No aircraft on a scheduled service which is owned, chartered or operated by a person connected with Russia, or which is registered in Russia shall fly in United Kingdom airspace,” reads a bulletin to pilots just published by the UK Department For Transport.
Russian airline Aeroflot currently operates direct flights between Moscow and London-Heathrow and Gatwick, according to its website.

The bulletin also bans Russian aircraft from the airspace above the United Kingdom's territorial sea. The restriction goes into effect at 7 p.m. EST and is set to expire on May 23.

Live updates: Russia invades Ukraine


Jag funderar på om det är så snart att resa till Ukrainas grannländer närmaste tiden, tex Polen, Ungern och Rumänien.

Jag är precis av motsatt åsikt, det är nu vi skall visa att vi står enade med varandra.
Vinnare blir annars den som vill splittra sammanhållningen för oss som tror på gemenskap och demokrati!

Jag håller med dig @011430121 - även om jag också förstår @Cristoffer Cedergren funderingar.

Själv planerar jag att spendera en stor del av årets sommarresa nära den Ukrainska och Belarusiska gränsen. Tar inga förhastade beslut, men känns om att man kanske måste planera om lite kring detta.


UK bans Russian aircraft from its airspace

The United Kingdom is banning civilian Russian aircraft from its airspace.

“No aircraft on a scheduled service which is owned, chartered or operated by a person connected with Russia, or which is registered in Russia shall fly in United Kingdom airspace,” reads a bulletin to pilots just published by the UK Department For Transport.
Russian airline Aeroflot currently operates direct flights between Moscow and London-Heathrow and Gatwick, according to its website.

The bulletin also bans Russian aircraft from the airspace above the United Kingdom's territorial sea. The restriction goes into effect at 7 p.m. EST and is set to expire on May 23.

Live updates: Russia invades Ukraine
Jag antar att de får förvänta sig motdraget att Ryssland förbjuder British Airways från att flyga över Ryssland. Det blir då ganska långt till Tokyo från London.

Missförstå mig inte. Jag tycker att väst måste reagera starkt mot Ryssland. Det svåra blir när deras motdrag mot ens egna drag möjligen kostar en själv mer skada än dem.