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Corona-viruset och hur det påverkar resande


Eftersom din resa är mer än en månad bort så kan du avvakta lite. Då låter du folk som har resor närmare i tiden komma fram och kötiderna går förhoppningsvis ner längre fram. Eftersom du dessutom mailat så är det ju inte omöjligt att du får svar innan din resa där.

Jag tror han skrev fel och menade nu på torsdag 26/3. 26/4 är en söndag. Så lite mer bråttom är det.


Eftersom din resa är mer än en månad bort så kan du avvakta lite. Då låter du folk som har resor närmare i tiden komma fram och kötiderna går förhoppningsvis ner längre fram. Eftersom du dessutom mailat så är det ju inte omöjligt att du får svar innan din resa där.

fasen, kvällstrött så menade jag såklart den 26/3.. alltså i övermorgon.


Jag brukar boka hyrbilar via British Airways som Executve Club-medlem. Ofta vettiga priser och bra villkor med AVIS.

Hade en sådan bokning att försöka få avbokad men döm om min förvåning då BA på egen bevåg ordnat med avbokning och full refund. Praktiskt för mig i detta fallet - men man kan ju faktiskt vara i behov av sin bokning!

Har du en BA-bokad bilhyra den kommande tiden - var uppmärksam.
Samma hände mig men med SAS.
Bokat MMX-ARN-UME ut 10/4 åter 17/4. Även bokat hyrbil i UME via SAS denna tid. Fick mejl att hyrbilen är annulerad, men inte flighterna.
Efter ha kollat så verkar vi bli väldigt ensamma på dessa flighter, Tex bara vi två seatade ARN-UME, så det blir av/ombokning och påsken hemma.


Thai Airways har ställt in alla flyg mellan Stockholm och Bangkok från den 1 april fram till 24 oktober. Källa SVT.


Info från IBERIA;

Dear Juancarlos,

After a few exceptional weeks, which have paralyzed the world, I wanted personally to write and thank you for your trust during these difficult times.

The coronavirus pandemic is unprecented, it has shown the vulnerability of our society but also its most committed, supportive and responsible side. In today´s world we are accustomed to socializing, going out and enjoying travelling but the world has understood that it is time to stay at home, to take care of our loved ones and ourselves.

No one is indifferent to the effects of this pandemic and neither are we at Iberia. Over the last few weeks practically every country in the world has first established recommendations, then restrictions and finally prohibitions. Governments are trying to stop the spread of the virus and one of the ways to do this is by closing their borders.

The current reality for Iberia and the rest of the airlines in the world, is that we have very few places left to fly. Quarantines, alert states and other situations also mean that there are no customers who want or can travel, except in situations of force majeure.

This week we are planning our final long-haul flights so that our customers can return home. In addition to this we have been granted special permits for some repatriation flights to destinations where it is no longer allowed to fly. Over the next few weeks we will operate a very reduced programme, in line with the circumstances and in order to guarantee minimum connectivity in Spain.

We are making a huge effort to adjust the programme, serve all our clients and ensure that whoever needs to fly can do so. But we are aware that, despite all our efforts, we have not always been able to look after you as we would like, and I apologize if this is your case. Our employees, even with this uncertainty, are working round the clock.

From Iberia we would like to convey a message of trust in our company. Commercial aviation has already demonstrated its ability to resist and recover in other difficult situations. In the specific case of Iberia, being part of IAG, one of the most powerful groups in this sector, places us in a better position to face the adversities. Iberia will continue contributing, to unit people and to the development of tourism and the economy in our country. We hope to continue to count on you.

I do not want to end without showing my appreciation to all the people working day and night to overcome this situation, especially the medical teams, security forces and to those who continue to work to serve and supply the rest. My thoughts are with those who are suffering the most, those who have lost someone they love or are trying to overcome the virus.

From my family to yours I wish you all the best in these uncertain and difficult times. I hope to be able to write to you again soon announcing the return of business as usual.

Best wishes,



María Jesús López Solas
Chief Customer and Loyalty Officer


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