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Corona-viruset och hur det påverkar resande


Är det någon som vet mer om Argentina och vad som gäller där? Misstänker att det är fler än jag som hakade på Lufthansas kampanj förra året. @oxxax fick du bekräftat om det var några problem att komma in i Buenos Aires?
Argentina ambassad i London säger till sina medborgare att de måste vara i karantän i Argentina ifall de åker hem till Argentina.ón-para-los-ciudadanos-argentinos-0
Si usted viajará a la República Argentina en los próximos días, tras su ingreso al país DEBERÁ PERMANECER OBLIGATORIAMENTE EN CUARENTENA por un período de 14 días sin concurrir a lugares públicos como ámbitos laborales, recreativos, deportivos o sociales.

Mer info på Recomendaciones para la población a partir de la situación epidemiológica actual. COVID-19 |
Las personas que están más expuestas son quienes viajaron recientemente a zonas con transmisión sostenida, o quienes hayan estado en contacto con casos confirmados de COVID–19. Si este es el caso se recomienda:
  • Permanecer en el hogar por 14 días y no concurrir a lugares públicos o actividades con otras personas.”


Naturligtvis helt ovetenskapligt, men Finnairs täta direkttrafik på Asien och alla där drabbade områden verkar inte ha försatt Finland i någon särskild negativ position.
Vilket är i enlighet med WHO:s info.
Updated WHO recommendations for international traffic in relation to COVID-19 outbreak
In general, evidence shows that restricting the movement of people and goods during public health emergencies is ineffective in most situations and may divert resources from other interventions.”


Mount Everest is now closed. Following an announcement from China that it would restrict climbing on its half of the mountain due to coronavirus concerns, Nepal followed suit today with a full shutdown of the mountain's southern side, completely closing off the peak to climbers hoping to summit this spring.

Metro Manila is suspending land, sea, and air transport in and out of the city for one month


Avbokade precis resa till Amsterdam nästa vecka efter att ha läst att Nederländerna förbjuder sammankomster med mer än 100 personer.


Lite positiva nyheter från gällande situationen med resor till USA:

Dear valued customer,

As you may have seen in the news, the United States government has prohibited non-US citizens who are from the 26 countries that make up the European Union’s Schengen Area or who have visited the Schengen Area in the previous two weeks from entering the United States. These countries include Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.

The United States government’s policy goes into effect at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on March 13, 2020 but does not apply to persons aboard a flight scheduled to arrive in the United States that departed prior to 11:59 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time on March 13, 2020. The United States government has stated that they intend for this policy to be in place for the next 30 days.

This policy does not include or impact

  • American citizens, permanent legal residents and their immediate families
  • Any child, foster child or ward of a United States citizen or lawful permanent resident, or who is a prospective adoptee pursuant to the IR-4 or IH-4 visa classifications
  • Members of the U.S. Armed Forces and spouses and children of members of the U.S. Armed Forces
  • Anyone traveling at the invitation of the United States Government for virus-related work, certain travelers related to NATO or United Nations work, and certain travelers doing work related to the CDC, Department of Homeland Security, State Department and other law enforcement issues
  • Certain classes of air or sea crewmembers
  • Anyone traveling from the United Kingdom who has not been to the Schengen Area in the last 14 days
While not prohibited from entering the United States, these travelers who have been to the Schengen Area may be required to return to the US through select airports where enhanced screening procedures have been established.

What will happen next

If you are impacted by these new rules and cannot travel to the United States during this 30-day period, please know that we are working quickly with our travel partners to address this unprecedented situation and to take care of you.

If you have only booked lodging via we will ensure you will have the option to cancel and be refunded. If you have booked air travel or a travel package, we are working with our airline partners to understand how their cancellation policies will work.

We will contact you shortly with more details and next steps including how to confirm any changes to your travel plans and how the cancellation process will work.

While the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is a rapidly changing and fluid situation from a public health perspective, we are committed to keeping you informed and to taking care of you as a valued Hotels.comcustomer.

Hur fick du detta/var hittade du informationen?


Har resa bokad till Buenos Aires med LH nästa vecka. Bokat på 2-4-1 kampanjen förra året. Kommer inte kunna åka p.g.a Argentinas obligatoriska karantän. Har varit i kontakt med LH First Class Hotline och de hittar bara full flex biljetter till EZE och vill då ha mellanskillnaden, så det verkar som vi får boka av.

Vi skulle till St Anton på påsklovet, hotellet har mailat och avbokat oss. De säger att skidområdet stänger på söndag och alla hotell mm måste stänga på måndag.


Statistiken haltar exempelvis så testar Sydkorea lika många per dag som USA, med 6 ggr större befolkning, testat sammanlagt.