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Rysk fripassagerare Köpenhamn - Los Angeles


Announcement of his conviction:

And coverage of his sentencing for his conviction:

“A man who boarded a plane from Denmark to Los Angeles with no ticket, visa or passport was sentenced Tuesday to 93 days and ordered to pay $2,174 — the cost of a one-way ticket from Copenhagen to Los Angeles, officials said.”

The sentencing for being behind bars was met by time served while arrested and detained behind bars for prosecution. And so upon being sentenced he was handed over for deportation arrangements.
Ibland älskar man advokaternas alternativa syn på saker och ting (ur LA Times-artikeln):

”Ochigava was also ordered to pay $2,174 in restitution to Scandanavian Airlines. His attorneys had argued against the payment of restitution, pointing out that about one-third of the seats in economy, where Ochigava sat, were empty anyway.”


Ibland älskar man advokaternas alternativa syn på saker och ting (ur LA Times-artikeln):

”Ochigava was also ordered to pay $2,174 in restitution to Scandanavian Airlines. His attorneys had argued against the payment of restitution, pointing out that about one-third of the seats in economy, where Ochigava sat, were empty anyway.”
De kunde väl ha nått en kompromiss om att han fick ersätta SAS för en ToR-biljett och vaska returen istället.

Tomas E

Ibland älskar man advokaternas alternativa syn på saker och ting (ur LA Times-artikeln):

”Ochigava was also ordered to pay $2,174 in restitution to Scandanavian Airlines. His attorneys had argued against the payment of restitution, pointing out that about one-third of the seats in economy, where Ochigava sat, were empty anyway.”
Det är därför man aldrig behöver betala något advokatarvode till advokatfirmor som bara har en debiteringsgrad på 70%! :cool: