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Hjem til jul med Rwandair


Købte en promotional billet med WB fra KGL til CDG direkte for 370 USD retur. Baggage allowance 3 x 23 kg.
Har fordel af gratis statusmatch til deres FFP (inkl. lounge) og indtjener samtidigt points hertil. Fra Paris blev det AF/KLM som måtte rebookes pga af "traffic operation irregularities" over Amsterdam Det betød jeg kom direkte til CPH med AF i st. f. via AMS med KLM. Men jeg fik, efter anmodning og tips fra @Jannes, både points og XP fra begge bookninger. Ikke dårligt at strande lidt i Paris, da deres lounge er meget attraktiv. En dame gik rundt og skænkede champagne til visse "udvalgte" (?). Baggagen blev i alt 46 timer forsinket men blev leveret direkte til min dør 80 km fra Kastrup lufthavnen.


Dream Loungen i Kigali er hyggelig med city view og masser af snacks, hot food. Drinks are plenty but options are not many.

Rwandair. Economy 9/10

Kigali-Paris 7 Dec. 2023 on A330-200. On time. Rwandair is a small, boutique airline, often very competitive in price and on board service. Ground services varies, main potential issue is a slow response if called upon. Check-in a breeze, easy, opens early. They, surprisingly, agreed to check in and tag my baggages to my final destination in Europe, despite onwards flights were with other airline and on other ticket. What a nice courtesy, easing my transit in Paris tremendously as I just had to shift terminal airside without bothering of my luggage. In Kigali, got access to their nice Dream Lounge, a small oasis to relax at a busy time in the airport. Nice foods, hot snacks, but drinks are getting poor, e.g. wines are undrinkable. Embarked the plane upon a 2 minutes busride was pleasant avoiding a sudden downpour. Flight not full, pleased to be granted 4 seats in a row, stretching out for a good nights sleep. Preordered meal honoured. I got a fried, delicious red snapper (wild catch!) fillet steak. I further tasted other foods offered onboard; they were also good. Plenty of drinks of good quality. 2 meal rounds on a 9 hours flight was appropriate. FAs were marvelous and kind, with a local touch. Plenty of blankets, pillows, and headsets for the IFE which, however, is poor. Another minus is the very noisy aircraft; without noise reduction headsets and earplugs the trip could be hard to bear. Deboarding in Paris was quick. In conclusion the experience was very good, not extravagant, but pleasurable and smooth. Extremely good value for money as the ticket was cheap and promotional. Still, I was rendered substantial amount of miles to my Dream Miles account.

KLM. Economy 5/10

Paris-Amsterdam-Copenhagen 7 Dec. 2023. Used the nice Air France Salon lounge in terminal 2F. Flight became delayed and further delayed due to “traffic constraints” in AMS. Eventually I cancelled and rebooked to Air France on a direct flight to CPH, avoiding serious delays, overall. However, the luggage did not make it as they failed to retrieve and retag it from the original flight. Got the luggage delivered to home address 2 days later, and was currently well informed on progress and its whereabouts. Not too bad after all. Separate flight review submitted just now under Air France in Skytrax. That flight faultless apart from the baggage error/delay.


Salon Lounge i T2F i Paris løber efter sigende aldrig tør for champagne. Der var ellers tryk på den eftermiddag pga. mange KLM aflysninger, men det gik. God, rummelig lounge med udsigt i flere retninger.

Air France Economy 7/10

Flew Paris-Copenhagen 7 Dec. 2023 on a new A220. On time. Checked in online. In Paris, I used the nice and spacious Air France Salon lounge in terminal 2F. Became rebooked to AF after KLM cancellation. Not a bad swift as I avoided a stop in Amsterdam. However, they failed to retag my luggage which remained in Paris and only arrived to Denmark 2 days later. They delivered it faultlessly by courier the entire way to my address in a distant area, 80 km from airport. I was well informed on the progress. The Air France flight was on time, although aircraft was completely stuffed due to Amsterdam traffic issues redirecting hundreds of people. Aircraft was modern and very nice. Service on board very good, did not anticipate such pampering onboard an intra-European aircraft.


@Gnopps Tjae maaske lidt overdrevet, men turen tager jo kun halvanden time saa forventningerne maa vaere realistiske. De klarede to drinkrounds og man kunne bruge callbells eller gaa ud i galley for yderligere supplementer. De havde forskellige kolde sandwich at vaelge imellem. Mht. drikke viste servetricen forsk. miniflasker frem om de ku friste: noterede mig vodka, gin, cognac. Baade roedvin og hvidvin (paa miniflasker) var temmelig gode. Ingen sparkling. Masser af Heineken. Naar man tager i betragtning at flyet var propfuldt, synes jeg faktisk at crew gjorde det rigtig godt.