Flybe har inngått et samarbeid med den verdenskjente kaffekjeden, Starbucks, som innebærer at Starbucks-kaffe vil bli tilbudt ombord på alle Flybes flygninger fra 26. juni innen Norden og Baltikum. I produksjonssortimentet finnes VIA Colombia Medium Roast coffee, Tazo teer som English Breakfast, Earl Grey and Mint, samt Starbucks Hot Cocoa.
To fly, to serve. That is the tagline of the UK’s main carrier British Airways. It takes pride in offering reliable and friendly service...
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For the very best of safari adventures, where better to head for than Tanzania and the Serengeti National Park, home to the Great Migration...
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It is a New Year and the Northern Hemisphere is gripped by cold and ice - so the thought of a week or two somewhere warm and sunny is...
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