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Har du ingen reseförsäkring via Kreditkort? T.ex. Amex? Oftast är det dom som är den verkliga räddaren i nöden här.

Lars J

En kontrollfråga på vägen dit då jag antar att EU reglerna inte gäller vid försening pga väder. Hur är det då med förseningen i LAX, det är ju fortfarande på en resa startad i EU land men denna flygning skulle ju utföras av Delta från LAX till HNL. Är EU-reglerna tillämpliga eller ej på detta segment?


There are pretty new rulings saying that a journey started in EU, ending outside EU is covered as long as all the flights are on the same ticket.

A couple of weeks ago, the European Union's top court ruled in favor of three plaintiffs who sued United Airlines for compensation for a 223-minute delay on a flight between Brussels and San Jose, California, via Newark. The passengers made a single reservation with Lufthansa via a travel agency, but the US carrier entirely operated the flight.

“Connecting flights that have been subject to a single booking must be regarded as constituting a whole for the purposes of passengers’ right to compensation.”

You could check this for more info


EU261 states

Any new right to compensation according to Article 7 will apply to the re-routed flight accepted under Article 8(1)(b) or (c) if it is also cancelled or delayed at arrival (see Section 4.4.11). The Commission recommends that options are clearly spelled out to passengers when assistance is to be provided.

So even if first flight was cancelled outside AFs control(weather).
The fact that you were rebooked to the next day, makes this a new route/journey where the reason for the original delay should not be taken into consideration according to EU261.
This should give you right to compensation of 600EUR from Delta on the segment LAX-HNL, if the delay was within their control

as an example I had return trip from the US with an European carrier, our original fligh was cancelled, got rebooked to the next day, also cancelled, got rebooked to next day, delayed over 4 hours. This gave me 3 EU261 compensations.

Not sure from what you write if the return is covered by EU261, but regarding downgrading it states

2. If an operating air carrier places a passenger in a class lower than that for which the ticket was purchased, it shall within seven days, by the means provided for in Article 7(3), reimburse

(a) 30 % of the price of the ticket for all flights of 1500 kilometres or less, or

(b) 50 % of the price of the ticket for all intra-Community flights of more than 1500 kilometres, except flights between the European territory of the Member States and the French overseas departments, and for all other flights between 1500 and 3500 kilometres, or

(c) 75 % of the price of the ticket for all flights not falling under (a) or (b), including flights between the European territory of the Member States and the French overseas departments.

If it is not within Eu261 I am not sure how Delta will handle downgrade compensation, if paid by credit card, maybe consider complaining to them/chargeback claim, for not getting what you paid for, that would at least make Delta take it seriously.

Also your travel insurance could or should cover some of the hotel expense cost if you dont want to argue with the airlines.
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Lars J

Duty of care har de. Ingen förseningsersättning såklart.

Anledningarna till första förseningen är ju väder som rör Air France, så de lär inte betala något. Eller missar jag något här?

EU261 states

Any new right to compensation according to Article 7 will apply to the re-routed flight accepted under Article 8(1)(b) or (c) if it is also cancelled or delayed at arrival (see Section 4.4.11). The Commission recommends that options are clearly spelled out to passengers when assistance is to be provided.

His first flight was cancelled due to weather, which of course is not eglible for compensation, but as he has been rebooked to new fligts, his right to compensation is "reset" for the new journey.

Say you have a flight ARN-ORD and it get cancelled due to weather, no compensation is owed, but you get rebooked according to Article 8 to another flight(same or other carrier), and that flight also get cancelled or delayed, and the reason for this cancellation or delay is within the carrier control, you are eglible for compensation for the new flight
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Ni menar att ingen ersättning utgår för att de försenar ankomst till slutdestinationen med 24 timmar (förutom hotellnatt) och sen ingen ersättning för att nedgradering till ekonomi när man betalt för business?
Känns helt orimligt tycker jag, men visst bias i frågan såklart.

Men det kan ju inte vara rimligt att betala 70.000 kr för business och få en ekonomibiljett som kostat 12.000 och inte få ersättning för detta?

Ingen kompensation enligt EU-reglerna på utresa. Du har rätt att få igen utlägg för de kostnader som uppkommit på grund av förseningen. Men inte för de uteblivna nätterna etc det är eventuellt en fråga för din reseförsäkring.

På nedgraderingen på vägen hem lyder du under amerikansk lag inte under eu-förordningar, vilken i princip lämpar över alla såna frågor på flygbolagets välvilja, så du får börja med att kontakta Delta, men via eu-lagstiftningen finns inget att hämta.

De rättsfall som någon annan skriver om är inte jämförbara anser jag.