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Reseförsäkring Curve

”What's covered by my premium subscription

Do I need to use my Curve card to pay for an item or trip in order for it to be covered?
No, there is no stipulation that the Curve card needs to be used to pay for the trip in order for it to be covered”



Reseförsäkringen försvinner från curve per 231231. Befintliga claims behandlas, inga nya tas emot.
As of 31 December 2023, you will no longer be insured under your Curve premium plan. Our insurance partner AXA will continue to service all eligible claims for incidents preceding this date, as long as they are submitted in accordance with the applicable insurance terms and conditions.

Do I need to do anything else?

Not right now. Your insurance cover will stop automatically on 31 December and we’ll get in touch in January when you can choose your new cashback retailers. Additionally, we are working on functionality to enable you to change your selected retailers from time to time.


Spelar ingen roll för mig, hade ett claim en gång hos dem o de svarade inte ens på det. Inte ens efter typ fyra påminnelsemejl. När jag tillslut tröttnade o ringde ang ärendet påstod de att det saknades hur mycket saker som helst (allt som jag redan hade skickat in) och bad mig skicka in det igen - då gav jag upp.