Nice, även min man som är anestesi-läkare visste inte om detta. Han flyr ofta med Lufthansa då familjen bor i Tyskland.
[...] Särskilt inte om ersättningen är 500 extrapoäng.
Lufthansa-länken som
@Dr. Miles trollade fram ger dig 5.000 M&M, €50-voucher, en handbok och inte minst, en special-bagage-tagg! Detta innan du ens satt dig på flygplanet.
"If medical assistance is required on board, doctors who have joined our ‘Doctor on board’ programme, assist us. To thank them for their participation, Lufthansa gives them:
- 5,000 Miles & More award miles
- a copy of the ‘Handbook of Aviation Medicine and Inflight Medical Emergencies’
- new: a ‘Doctor on board’ luggage label designed exclusively for those taking part in the programme
- new: a one-off promotion code worth 50 euros for their next flight booking as well as regular special promotions
- new: the opportunity to go on a course offered by Lufthansa’s Medical Service in cooperation with the German Academy for Aviation Medicine and to acquire CME points while doing so. There is a fee for taking part in the course which is held at a Lufthansa venue.
When you register, details of your medical specialism will be saved by Miles & More so that, in the event of a medical emergency, the flight attendants can approach you. If several doctors are on board at the same time, a medical council of various specialties is possible.
Participating airlines
Liability and insurance
The legal situation for the doctor treating a patient on board is covered. Doctors on board are covered, within the framework of the third-party insurance that Lufthansa German Airlines has taken out for such cases, against possible claims to recourse by the passenger they have treated. Intent is, of course, excluded. This disclaimer of liability applies to doctors and skilled lay assistants.
Are you a doctor and are you interested in our ‘Doctor on board’ programme? Then why not register right away:
- If you are not yet a Miles & More member, please enrol first. You will immediately receive your Miles & More card number, which you can then enter in your registration form. To Miles & More registration
- Next, please register for our medical programme
- Simply download the registration form for the ‘Doctor on board’ programme (PDF, 1,578 kB), print it out and fax it back to us together with a copy of your medical qualification or your specialist qualification.
- When you make any future bookings, simply quote your Miles & More card number as usual. In this way we will know that we can depend on your medical assistance on board.
Courses offered by Lufthansa’s Medical Service
If you are registered with us as a ‘doctor on board’, you now have the option of attending courses run by the Passengers Medical Care section of Lufthansa’s Medical Service. By participating in one of these courses, you will earn 10 Medical Council CME points. The cost of a one-day course is €300. The courses have been developed in conjunction with the Deutsche Akademie für Flug- und Reisemedizin gGmbH (DAF) (The German Academy for Aviation and Travel Medicine). At the moment the courses are only held in German language.
To the DAF course programme (PDF)
There is also the option of attending a two-day course in Vienna that has been run for many years in cooperation with Austrian Airlines. The two-day course is DFP licensed and also certified by the Lower Austrian Medical Council (niederösterreichische Ärztekammer) in accordance with section 40 par. 3 as an emergency physician refresher. The course costs EUR 650.00.
Further information at
If you have questions about our programme or about registration, please contact us via the
Lufthansa Service Center."