Den 2 maj startar Skyways linjen Bromma-Visby och tar upp kampen om Gotlandsresenärerna. Även Gotlandsflyg trafikerar linjen Bromma-Visby med ett flertal avgångar per dag. Linjen kommer trafikeras tre gånger per dag på vardagar med en Fokker F50. Flygtiden är 40 minuter.
Stockholm Bromma-Visby
JZ 2191 BMA 08:45 VBY 09:25 F50 0 12345-- 00:40 JZ 1393 BMA 16:35 VBY 17:15 F50 0 12345-- 00:40 JZ 1395 BMA 18:35 VBY 19:15 F50 0 12345-- 00:40
Visby-Stockholm Bromma
JZ 2190 VBY 07:50 BMA 08:30 F50 0 12345-- 00:40 JZ 1392 VBY 09:45 BMA 10:25 F50 0 12345-- 00:40 JZ 1394 VBY 17:35 BMA 18:15 F50 0 12345-- 00:40
To fly, to serve. That is the tagline of the UK’s main carrier British Airways. It takes pride in offering reliable and friendly service...
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Located on a granite plateau with a backdrop of majestic mountains overlooking a protected azure-blue bay, the Four Seasons Resort...
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It is a New Year and the Northern Hemisphere is gripped by cold and ice - so the thought of a week or two somewhere warm and sunny is...
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