Den 17 maj 2013 lanserar Austrian Airlines en ny linje från Wien till Chicago. Linjen kommer trafikeras med fem avgångar per vecka. Flygplanstypen blir en Boeing 767 som kommer innehålla den nya uppgraderade långdistanskabinen med horisontella fully flat stolar i business class. Från Chicago finns goda anslutningar vidare i USA och Nordamerika med partnerflygbolaget United Airlines.
To fly, to serve. That is the tagline of the UK’s main carrier British Airways. It takes pride in offering reliable and friendly service...
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COMO The Halkin is widely regarded as the “mother” of London's ever-expanding offering of amazing boutique hotels. It was opened in 1991 by...
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It is a New Year and the Northern Hemisphere is gripped by cold and ice - so the thought of a week or two somewhere warm and sunny is...
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