Qatar Airways har denne uken innført et codeshare samarbeide med thailandske Bangkok Airways. Samarbeide gjelder for Bangkok Airways ruter til Koh Samui, Phuket, Chiang Mai, Trat, Sukhothai, Lampang, Krabi, Rangoon (Myanmar) og Phnom Penh (Kambodsja). Dette samarbeide gir deg mulighet å fly gjennomgående hele veien fra Skandinavia til destinasjoner i Thailand eller sydøst Asia.
To fly, to serve. That is the tagline of the UK’s main carrier British Airways. It takes pride in offering reliable and friendly service...
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Located on a granite plateau with a backdrop of majestic mountains overlooking a protected azure-blue bay, the Four Seasons Resort...
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It is a New Year and the Northern Hemisphere is gripped by cold and ice - so the thought of a week or two somewhere warm and sunny is...
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