Emirates To Introduce New ‘Sleeperette’ Premium Economy Seats

8. Jun 2018
by BusinessClass

Emirates’ new premium economy seat will be a brand new custom design, which CEO Tim Clark has described as a ‘sleeperette’,

reports Australian Business Traveller


The bespoke design has been built to the airline’s specification following a competition among seat manufacturers to create a design based on the airline’s vision. The result will be something similar to a railway-style ‘sleeperette’ with about 38 inches of pitch (up to 6 inches more than economy) and a 10 inch recline. Speaking to the Australian website, Clark said the seat will fully cradle the legs and feet while offering a deep recline. The design team is currently working on the final touches, including choosing the best footrest design to deal with the “bodies and ergonomics of the higher-percentile male and female.” The ‘sleeperette’ mode of the seat may be “something like lazy-Z”, he confirmed, but not within a shell. The premium economy cabin will be separate from the economy class cabin by more than just a curtain in order to offer a sense of exclusivity. It will also have its own toilets. Clark also stressed that the cabin will be an upgrade of economy rather than a downgrade of business. Therefore, lounge access won’t be provided.

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